
Monday 19 August 2013

Beauty Aesthetics

After finishing what was an amazing internship at WGSN, I found myself far away from the busy streets of grey London and across the world in Sri Lanka.

No shop windows there... However I was totally inspired by the natural beauty and life that could be found everywhere, especially in the Buddhist temples. 

On return I have been working at a PR agency who specialise in beauty and fashion lifestyle, through my course I've always had an interest in branding and have learnt a lot from the experience.

I have always enjoyed makeup and akin care products but also have a strong believe in being as close to natural as possible, which is why I was pleasantly surprised that the company uses a lot of beauty brands with this in mind. I love to play with new products and experiment how natural beauty can be enhanced with out adding extra bits to your face and body, instead using what you've got to gain confidence. 

Which is why I have decided to add a category to this site, Beauty Aesthetics. A little section to show my interest. I hope to review, test, compare a variety of products, along with supplying a couple of DIY tips too. 

Still getting to grips with this though, so patience, please :)